Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers

Which should I go for and why? Brands I'm looking at are Accuphase, Pass Labs, and maybe McIntosh.
I agree with Bo1972, A tube pre-amp is what I have always preferred myself with solid state, Dave, The only pre-amp in the world I know of that has treble and bass controls is Dan D Agostino's momentum solid state pre-amp, that my friend is beyound our bucket list, although the Dan D Agostino equipment is way beyound the pass-labs and krell with performance, A whole different league! It also comes with, what I call stupid money for pricing!, If I had the money, The Dan D Agostino master systems amplifiers is what I would have period, cheers.
Ok, which tube preamp that has all of the features do you recommend. I know McIntosh solid state *and* tube do. Accuphase and Luxman solid state do too.
Hi Dave, The TRL Dude pre-amp is a very big bang for the dollar if you value performance over features, the member grannyring has one and knows everything there is to know about this unit, I believe he may have tweaked his out as well to satiesfaction, cheers.
Ok, thanks, but I really want the features, and I can go beyond bang for the buck stuff (not cost no object though,) no problem.
Dave_72, The Tube Research labatories pre-amp is one of the very BEST tube pre-amps for sound quality today!, made in the U.S.A.!, hand built, I said big bang for the dollar going against $20,000.00 pre-amps, ask anyone about one of these pre-amps, nothing but great feed back.