Are CD players goig the way of the 8 track,and the cassette?

Streaming seems to be gradually pushing the CD player into extinction.My CD's are in the closet,and may never return!
I forgot to add:

In the 80s I had put an alpine tape player in my pickup truck, the sound of which was outa this world, just mesmerizing...
even with only 2 speakers way down towards the bottom of the doors.
one evening as I pulled in the garage the local public radio was doing a live music session, and I just sat there transfixed for 45 minutes, in total bliss...I'm sure my very close proximity to the station and their tens of thousands of watts of power had a lot to do with it, but still in a lesser system you probably wouldn't have had the same experience.
that was before someone broke into my next car, smashed the dash and snatched this player from it.Bastard, that was the crime of the century...
My cd system now, even with an external 300w amp, doesn't come anywhere close to that unit. I'm sure having only two speakers has a lot to do with it, but the sound of tapes in that unit was just something else...
One thing though, was leaving tapes in the glove box, oh they would become mushy sort of a bad bad techno music... But we all did that, didn't we?

I'm guessing in those days almost all who had them listened to their record player while driving.
Records were dirt cheap, and the majority of folks were not sophisticated or Audiophiles etc., or their teenage kids showing of Elvis to their buddies...
But yeah,
while parked looking at the sunsets or a river, mountain or the ocean I'm pretty sure lots of folks were doing their contributions to the boomer explosion... -:)
while parked looking at the sunsets or a river, mountain or the ocean I'm pretty sure lots of folks were doing their contributions to the boomer explosion... -:)
I hear that.... lol

I always used Black Velvet........ 
I wonder if CD will make a resurgence like vinyl as the younger generations realize one day that collecting physical media is an enjoyable hobby.

I know I will always have a CD player. CDs sound better than other digital formats like streaming. That may change one day. In any case, the future of CD doesn’t matter much to me. The existing collection of CDs already in existence is enough to keep me entertained for the rest of my life and I can always burn new, non-CD based music to disc. Furthermore, even if they stopped making CD players tomorrow, there will be players in good condition on the used market for decades to come.
... CDs sound better than other digital formats like streaming ...
A 16/44.1 CD really can't compete with the best hi-res files from a service such as Qobuz.
In theory, you’re right. In practice, what I have found is that various bits and pieces involved in streaming detract from the sound: E.g. the computer power supply which is rarely optimized for audio purposes, the USB interface if you use an external DAC, the connection to the internet, the non-audio related multi-tasking that computers do in the background, etc. These things can be mitigated with reclockers, upgraded power supplies, noise isolators, etc. When you add up all the costs involved, a dedicated CD player is usually the better option, dollar for dollar. It’s possible there is a streamer out there that I’m not aware of that doesn’t have these issuess. I try to keep an open mind.