Magico Mini 2

I've been listening to the same set up for a 6-7 years now and been fairly happy till recently, when I saw a pair of Magico Mini 2 at a used dealer.  I am of course very curious about these speakers as they were unobtainable back when they were released.

My present system are listed below.  For music, I value musicality, timbre and staging, listening mostly to vocals and small jazz groups. Nothing too loud in a small 12x18 ft listening room

Esoteric K05x with Cybershaft clock
Aurender S10 
Acuphase E450 
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor 
Mixture of Acrolink and Shunyata cables with a Hydra conditioner

My questions are
-  Is the Magico Mini 2 still relevant and one of the best out there?  AT USD12K used, it isn't exactly cheap but certainly a price I can buy into to try the Magico sound.
-  Understand that its a power hungry speakers and I'll likely need to switch my amp as well eventually... are there any intergrates options out there that you can suggests?
- Not all standmounts are the same and while my auditors work well in my smallish room, can anyone advise if this will be a problem?  Changing the room is not an option ;)

Thank you for taking your time to read this and please offer your thoughts and advise, especially former/present Mini 2 owners. 

@petzzz  You mentioned your first choice would be the SF GH's. I would strongly suggest that you keep to that choice and wait for a pair to come available. While they are not common, IME they are going to be superior to what you are asking all areas.
@daveyf The memories I have for the original GH is very good but its been a while since I last heard them.  Indeed if a set comes up, I’ll jump at the opportunity, I do think I want to wait since the Mini has sparked my desire for a speaker change.  I’m sure most of us know that feeling :)

I’m made an appointment to audition some TAD speakers next week (Micro evo 1) as well as the Magico (S1 Mk2)  before dropping by to give the latest SF Guarneri a listen.
@verdantaudio. Thank you for your offer but I’m based in HK.  Shipping will be prohibitive :)
@twoleftears I will check if we have a Vimberg Amea dealer here... we have quite a selection but I don’t believe I heard of these speakers.  Thanks for your suggestion anyway :)