What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today

Just got notice that my long awaited Spectral 4000 will soon be available - at $15,000! CD only. Any suggestions for alternatives at or below that price range?
umm . . . the Meitner/emmLabs combos are the best i've heard. and i find it somewhat humorous that people are listing APL's NWO-1 as a best ever even though nobody's heard it yet.

not to say it won't be good, but come on, people - at leat hear the damn thing first.
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My vote -- based on what I heard in my system -- goes to the new dCS P8i. Plays Redbook CD extremely well (upsamples to DSD) and works magic on SACD. You might also want to check out the Audio Aero Prestige. Although it converts DSD to PCM, it might sound great in your system. The Linn 1.1 is another solid contender, though I found it just a tad weak in the bass and I did not like paying for video components that I had no plan on using in my set up. At your price point, there are a number of very capable players to consider. Have fun listening!
Good point Lazarus28. APL NWO-1 is still only a promisary note.
There are only initial specs available at this time.
It looks very intriguing on paper, but no one I know has heard one yet.
We can only guess that -- given its design premises and underlying pedegree, it may eventually be an exceedingly interesting device Please note my usage of the word 'interesting', as in 'worthy of careful analisys'. Whether it will in the ears of some, or many, fall short of, or, equal, or possibly exceed the desirability of any contenders discussed in this thread, is an exercise entirely to be left to the eventual judgment of future digital addicts.
I have not heard it but the new Ayre player just got a great review in Stereophile.