A lot of good suggestions and thank you all.
The reason I went the floorstanding monitor route with a sub is I basically downsized my system somewhat. I figured using a nice tubed integrated (Rogue Tempest II) pushing the monitors only would free up the amp and let the sub take care of the bass duties. I have the sub crossed at a little below 50HZ and the monitors are full range down to around 42HZ I think it is. After a lot of tuning the sub or trying to integrate it, I know I am close but the bass is a little different than my previous full range floorstanders. In some ways its better because I am getting those bottom octaves :) The bass now is right in the center or centerstage. "Some music" might be overlapping a tad with the monitors. I am going to turn the volume down on the sub some more to hopefully cure the bass hump. A buddy of mine awhile back brought over a test CD and his IPhone had an app to measure frequency response. My bass response was pretty darn even so I know I am close. I am wondering if another sub would help? I do like the idea of my integrated pushing the monitors and letting subs take care of bass duties but not oppossed to an efficient full range floorstander.
The reason I went the floorstanding monitor route with a sub is I basically downsized my system somewhat. I figured using a nice tubed integrated (Rogue Tempest II) pushing the monitors only would free up the amp and let the sub take care of the bass duties. I have the sub crossed at a little below 50HZ and the monitors are full range down to around 42HZ I think it is. After a lot of tuning the sub or trying to integrate it, I know I am close but the bass is a little different than my previous full range floorstanders. In some ways its better because I am getting those bottom octaves :) The bass now is right in the center or centerstage. "Some music" might be overlapping a tad with the monitors. I am going to turn the volume down on the sub some more to hopefully cure the bass hump. A buddy of mine awhile back brought over a test CD and his IPhone had an app to measure frequency response. My bass response was pretty darn even so I know I am close. I am wondering if another sub would help? I do like the idea of my integrated pushing the monitors and letting subs take care of bass duties but not oppossed to an efficient full range floorstander.