Best used transport under $2000?

Help! I'm looking for the best used transport I can get to play CD's. I have a Theta TLC for re-clocking and a Cello/Apogee 8.1 DAC. Playback of Laser Disk is not desired (although DVD would be nice but not necessary). The balance of the system will include a Cello Etude (passive attenuator), Cello duet 350 or ML 333 (I'm leaning to the Cello), and Watt/Puppies 5.1. Since I can't A/B used equipment on my system, I'm looking for suggestions. Thanks! Ken
If you're lucky you can get a Mark Levinson No. 37 for less than $2000. If not, spend the extra $300 for it.
There's a CEC 5100 Belt Drive transport demo USD 850 at I have one, this is really good transport. Also the better demo one at the same site CEC TL-1 or TL-2 around USD 1.500-1.600. Go with them
Hi, Though the units previously stated are good for the money, I'd recommend the Goldmund SRTT with glass fiber output. For CD only aplication, it is quite amazing. You can get a store demo for a little more than $2k. If interested, let me know and I'll give the contact info. jcb

Re-viving an older thread here. Anyone still enjoying a Theta David (CD/DVD) player in 2025?


Happy Listening!

I would say the Esoteric P-05 if you can find one split from the pair (D-05).  I have EXTENSIVE experience with Cello. 100% go w the Duet.  I prefer two in a bi-amp config but one will lay down the law considering the Wilson's load upon it.