
Hoping to get input of fellow members to help with speakers. The most challenging part of my search for audio bliss has been speakers. I've had Thiel 1.2, Monitor Audio Gold, Cary Silver Oak, Zu Essence, Ref 3A MM deCapo BE, Magnepan SMG, and Harbeth SHL5, to name a few. Most have shortcomings but the Harbeths and Magnepans gave me the fondest listening sessions because of their liveliness and imaging. I'm basically looking for something that will just put out what its fed, play well, and basically disappear. I listen primarily to vocal and acoustic music and enjoy 60s and 70s rock and R&B recordings. System consist of LP12/Origin Live/Lyra MC, Esoteric SA-50, David Berning ZOTL Pre One, VAC Renaissance 70-70/Lamm ML2.1/JA Burgess SE45 with Chord and Siltech cables. Hoping to keep the cost below $5K. Any input is appreciated.
Another great option I meant to mention is the Vandersteen VLR CT.

I'm waiting to audition a pair of these and may just buy a pair without an audition. Trusting my experience with Vandersteen speakers I'm sure they're outstanding.
Would recommend looking at Raidho XT-1
they are incredible speakers and a bargain. They compete with speakers costing 3 to 5X their price. Andy
Vandersteen 1ci.Small footprint and no need for a stand except the one that tilts them back.Good bass and spacious highs for about 1.5 K.
Check out Ohm Speakers. Direct sales only, and a 120-day trial period. What you don't like, they will fix.
Find a pair of Merlin TSM monitors (almost always well below $2k, original retail was $3530). The last two revisions before the company closed were the MMM followed by the Black Magic.

They would match up very well with your VAC.