Amp recommendation to drive Thiel 3.6 speakers

Hello everyone,
My first post here. I''l get right to the point.
I am looking for recommendations for suitable power amp monoblocks to drive a pair of Thiel 3.6 that I have had for 20 years, and which I intend to keep. Let me describe my current system.
Speakers: Thiel; 3.6
Power amps: Manley 250 classic monoblocks (tube)
Pre-amp: Audio Research Reference (tube)
Phono-pre: Audio Research Reference 2 SE (tube)
Turntable: VPI/SME, and Linn LP12
Digital: Audio Research CD3

I am looking for recommendations to replace the Manleys. From what I know, the Thiels are a difficult load.
Thanks in advance
pyma6 OP
Some reviews warn about a harsh tweeter

 Look what I posted about that above your post
And they all need doing now because of the age they are, instead of being viscose it turns to tar and causes linear distortion and heat, and if left too long, say good by to the tweeter one day.
Cheers George
If it doesnt have to be monos and tubes then get the SS CODA No. 8, Version 2.

250/500/1000 watts into 8/4/2 ohms, the 1st 12 watts pure Class A.

I have Version 1 with a tube pre driving B&W 804 D3s @ 87 db sensitivity LOUD without breaking a sweat. These speakers also dip to 2.8 ohms at a few points, which I can actually track watching the power meters flicker up at precisely those points.
big hegel or van alstine or odyssey for value but performance with zero apologies

no affiliation
I had 3.6’s (also from Soundings in Denver, coincidentally) paired with a Krell KSA 200 rated at 200/400/800 watts at 8/4/2 ohms.  The Thiels sounded awesome with that pairing.  They sounded good with a KSA 100, but great with the 200.
I am happy driving my 3.6's with a pair of Pass X600s.  Gutsy enough and finesse too.  Used will be within your $10k budget.