Looking for upgrade ideas for desktop system

Now working from home, I've set up a desktop system using Sonus Faber Wall speakers on my desk (6ohm, though I can't find sensitivity testing anywhere), a Marantz PM5004, and a Schiit Modi 3. I run Tidal Hi-Fi from my laptop. I'm looking to upgrade the integrated to something with a fuller sound, preferably in a smaller footprint unit. Any suggestions? I'm mostly listening to jazz, acoustic rock, and classical on this system at fairly low volumes. I like the Marantz, but the sound isn't full enough unless I turn it up louder than I'd like. Has anyone compared the small footprint NAD models, for example, or the PS Audio Sprout? I'd like to keep a headphone option too, as I like my HD-650s from time to time, but most of my listening is through the speakers. I don't want to spend over $1,000 but am willing to stretch if need be. 

Thanks to all. I have a Rogue Sphinx 2 in my main system I could swap into this one and then upgrade my main, I suppose, which I've been thinking of doing anyway. I use the Rogue with my Focal Aria 926s, which I like, but I feel like the low end isn't as well controlled as I'd like. I heard a couple of Atoll integrateds I really like and might replace with one of them. I'm curious how much difference I'll notice though. I'd only compared the Atolls to my Marantz before I bought the Rogue. Anyone have any thoughts on whether it'd be a noticeable difference from the Rogue to an Atoll in100 or in200?
If you want a solid higher power amp wiht a small footprint check out the Heed Elixir or the newest Rega Brio. Both are very good sounding amps with reviews online. I have listened to both and found them to punch beyond expectations. If you are looking to upgrade your main amp then it becomes a quesition of budget and what you are looking to gain in a new box. 
I just got a marantz pm7000n all-in-one integrated, streamer/dac.  About $1k msrp.  It's nice.  Better than the Bluesound Powernode 2 it replaced.  Not a small footprint though - pretty much normal full size rack component footprint.  That said, I still use it on a desk in my office setup.