Marantz PM Ki Ruby vs Musical Fidelity M6si

I have narrowed down the options to drive my Dali Rubicon 5s. 
I’ve heard that unlike most marantz reference series gear, the ruby is not as warm. Also, uses a Class D instead of the usual Class A or A/B.

interestingly enough, I tried the musical fidelity m5si and it sounded quite good with my speakers.  It wasn’t as bright as I expected. It was lively yet warm. My budget allows me to go for the next level, so I’m wondering if I should go for the warmer Marantz Ruby or the MF m6si instead. 
If you own either of these amps, plz could you share your thoughts? There aren’t many reviews and really need your help. thanks!

Thank you. M6si is a strong contender. Will ping you if I decide to go with it.

Nobody here owns either amps, esp the PM Ki ruby? Plz take a min or two to share your experience. I’d really appreciate your help. Thanks guys!
A number of months back I stepped from the Marantz 15S2 series to the Marantz KI Ruby Integrated/CD player.  Unfortunately I have no experience with the MF gear.

I purchased a "pre broken-in" pair and it was immediately apparent they were superior across the board to the 15S2 gear.  The sound stage was more expansive in each direction.  They are more transparent.  More dynamic.  More detailed.  

I have always viewed the Marantz sound as more neutral than warm.  But if it leans in a direction, the gear is always smooth, never offensive.  So yes, maybe a tad warm.

My only disappointment was to find no pre outs on the integrated.  Otherwise, the gear is a long term keeper.  

thanks for the detailed review of the ruby. I don’t think I’ll need the pre out (at least for the foreseeable future). All I care about is getting enjoyable music out of my rubicons. By enjoyable I mean detailed, transparent without being fatiguing. What the rest of your setup? Speakers and source?