I don't own any counterfeit gear.& don't agree that anyone should support counterfeit goods that are trying to be passed off as the real thing.
However, I also don't have any issue with someone reverse engineering a cable and offering their version of it as long as they aren't treading on anyone's patent, logo, etc. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a quality copy of a once well regarded item as long as it wasn't counterfeited and sold as legitimate. Nothing illegal or unethical in that.
At the same time I don't believe for a minute the argument that someone purchasing a $200 Odin copy on Aliexpress is somehow taking away a legitimate sale of a real Nordost Odin cable. Anyone looking to hook up their $100k speakers to their DarTzeel amps isn't going to balk at another $25k in cabling and would most likely not even consider it. I don't see anything on Aliexpress these days that says to me I can't tell the difference by just comparing the two visually. Many of the copies on offer there are of earlier technology as well or, more often, permutations of that technology & no longer being offered for sale by the original manufacturer. You aren't really fooled by that little piece of wood that says Odin on that IC are you?
And how about all the dubious gear & claims that the Belts & other shamans have been peddling for ages? Expensive little stick on dots or $4k record clamps made from some dark exotic wood anyone?
I'll bet the OP is correct in that many of those cables probably do sound very good. They can be sold inexpensively because they don't have that same infrastructure, dealer and advertising budget to support. Just don't try to pass it off as the real thing and don't steal IP.
However, I also don't have any issue with someone reverse engineering a cable and offering their version of it as long as they aren't treading on anyone's patent, logo, etc. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a quality copy of a once well regarded item as long as it wasn't counterfeited and sold as legitimate. Nothing illegal or unethical in that.
At the same time I don't believe for a minute the argument that someone purchasing a $200 Odin copy on Aliexpress is somehow taking away a legitimate sale of a real Nordost Odin cable. Anyone looking to hook up their $100k speakers to their DarTzeel amps isn't going to balk at another $25k in cabling and would most likely not even consider it. I don't see anything on Aliexpress these days that says to me I can't tell the difference by just comparing the two visually. Many of the copies on offer there are of earlier technology as well or, more often, permutations of that technology & no longer being offered for sale by the original manufacturer. You aren't really fooled by that little piece of wood that says Odin on that IC are you?
And how about all the dubious gear & claims that the Belts & other shamans have been peddling for ages? Expensive little stick on dots or $4k record clamps made from some dark exotic wood anyone?
I'll bet the OP is correct in that many of those cables probably do sound very good. They can be sold inexpensively because they don't have that same infrastructure, dealer and advertising budget to support. Just don't try to pass it off as the real thing and don't steal IP.