So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.

In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan "There you go again." You couldn't resist bringing your politics into what was started as a person's sincere attempt to find ways to help others. I applaud the OP and others who have shown they have a heart and care about all people. I have a question for you millercarbon. What if you're wrong? If I'm wrong by taking this pandemic seriously and doing everything I can to not just keep myself safe, but also to show respect and responsibility in trying to keep others safe, I was simply inconvenienced. No big deal. If you're wrong and are determined to show that you're not falling for this "hoax" and are not going to take precautions to protect yourself and others, people can die. I'm not willing to take that chance with other people's lives. Here's one for you millercarbon: BLACK LIVES MATTER! I'm hoping that I am wrong about how you will react to that, and I will apologize if I'm wrong, But from opinions you have expressed it sounds like you drank the kool-aid (or as another member corrected me, the Clorox). Tell me I'm wrong about you millercarbon. I want to be wrong. I told you that I will keep my politics off the forums if you will do the same. I kept my word until you posted on this thread. And nobody is bullying you as you whined previously.
It is generally accepted that it is OK to start a sentence with "and." People who think it's not proper are probably the same ones who feel it is not good grammar to end a sentence with a preposition. It is. Winston Churchill, an exceptional writer, had a very clever retort to a newspaper that criticized him for ending a sentence with a preposition.

Kudos to all of the posters who are expressing reasonable, intelligent, free-thinking, compassionate, empathetic and responsible sentiments towards how we should be looking out for each other during this very real pandemic. I'm not sure how someone can call something a hoax that has killed 130,000 Americans.


It is generally accepted that it is OK to start a sentence with "and.""

Thanks. I do try to avoid it, but, from time to time, I consciously use it as some kind of emphasis. Now you made me concerned that I do it too often. Ooooops.

I am baffled by some of the grammar and spelling I read here. Written by native speakers, no less. geoffkait may be correct. Education may be lacking for some. I "learned" English in two classes a week. It was my fourth, or maybe fifth, language I could communicate in.

There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't tell 'em. Yogi Berra
Thecrapathian - I was on the beach bird doggin chicks. I assume you were pounding sand, speaking of the beach.