Anyone know the curent status of this web store? Also looking to hear about any recent dealings with them, good or bad. 

I’ve ordered from them before, a year or so ago. It was for their least expensive, a pair of 4P1L tubes. I waited 11 or 12 days with no word after payment, so I contacted with my order number; I received shipping confirmation the next day. So obviously the order fell through the cracks.

This time I’d like a much pricier pair of DHT tubes. I emailed them at the beginning of the pandemic asking if they were shipping tubes but I got no response. I have more recently, a few weeks ago, sent another email asking if this pair of tubes is in stock or if there would be a wait...and again, no answer...

Anyone know whats up with them? Are they all ok? Are they still open? Would you move on and try to purchases elsewhere? Anywhere else to purchase all those KR tubes? 

What country are you in?  I can reach out to Eunice and find out what dealer would be best for you to work with.  Are you specifically looking for the RK limited editions or just base KR tubes?
I can order them for you.  Takes 2-3 weeks for me to get them.  I can not do them as inexpensively as can be purchased in Europe as I have some fees that I need to deal with.  I was in process of revising my pricing (largely down) and can do those for you for $1100 for the pair.  These will be matched, in a box and delivered to you.  

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