Right channel bias in analog setup

As an analog newbie, I’ve been fighting with my turntable setup for a while now and am raising my hand for some help please. I have an original VPI Scout with a new Denon 103R cartridge connected to a Denon AU-300LC step-up transformer. This is connected to a Sutherland 20/20 phono pre-amp, which is connected to a Mark Levinson 326S pre-amp/Levinson 436 monoblock/Wilson Audio Sasha output. For some reason, when I am playing records, there is an obvious right channel bias where imaging seems right of center, regardless of what record I’m playing. When I switch to digital sources such as my CD player (Levinson 390S) or streaming (Amazon Echo Link), with the same music, everything is centered as it should be. I assumed the problem was an azimuth setup problem as I've read that channel bias can be due to balance problems there. After trying different variations, I finally got the system to image correctly, but the arm/cartridge is ridiculously leaning to the left. I can't believe this is the correct setup and that it won't eventually hurt the records and/or the cartridge over time. Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Can you use the VPI option? 
Yes, I plan to order it and see how it functions. Thanks again for the tip!

You're using Denon cartridge with conical tip and this tip is less sensitive to errors in alignment. 

Your Denon cartridge must have a printed test of L & R output signal, you can also measure it yourself. This is very cheap cartridge and channel imbalance is pretty common if it wasn't specially selected/calibrated sample.  

However, make sure your phono cable is fine. 

if VTF 2,5 grams and problem is very evident it isn't antiskate.  
Try to increase up to 3 grams temporally and if bias won't change look for other clues. 

Probably unrelated, but that cartridge, if I am not mistaken, is horribly mismatched to that tone-arm.

Miller is probably on to something, but I would not be surprised given your azimuth experiment, that something is broken/faulty.  Is this the first turntable this cartridge has been on?  Easy test is to borrow another cartridge or just pick up a cheap one and test and see if the problem goes away.