As the previous posts have requested, a lot more information is needed before anyone can accurately help you narrow your search. Auditioning the speakers with your system would of course the final step.
I would like to add too that I have Kimber cables throughout my system and enjoy them, but you should audition several cables as you tune your system. Kimber may work for you, or they may not. I believe the most important thing, however, is to work with a good audio shop. The guys at my shop let me take home about a half dozen different speaker cables (Kimber, Cardas, Audio Magic) as well as a bunch of interconnects. I got to keep them for a couple of weeks until found the combination that I liked best.
As the previous posts have requested, a lot more information is needed before anyone can accurately help you narrow your search. Auditioning the speakers with your system would of course the final step.
I would like to add too that I have Kimber cables throughout my system and enjoy them, but you should audition several cables as you tune your system. Kimber may work for you, or they may not. I believe the most important thing, however, is to work with a good audio shop. The guys at my shop let me take home about a half dozen different speaker cables (Kimber, Cardas, Audio Magic) as well as a bunch of interconnects. I got to keep them for a couple of weeks until found the combination that I liked best.