Hey laaudionut,
Congrats! I’m sure you are enjoying your new "baby". In another thread on the #16 I tried to explain the difference between the Pass Labs XA-60.8’s and the #16. I still think the XA-60.8’s are wonderful amps, but I like the Coda #16 better. Would you be willing to share what you have found to be different and an improvement over the mono-blocks in your system and for your taste.
Congrats! I’m sure you are enjoying your new "baby". In another thread on the #16 I tried to explain the difference between the Pass Labs XA-60.8’s and the #16. I still think the XA-60.8’s are wonderful amps, but I like the Coda #16 better. Would you be willing to share what you have found to be different and an improvement over the mono-blocks in your system and for your taste.