2way vs 3way speakers: different or is one "better"

Hello to all... 
Have another forum ongoing - asking about recommendations of 3 way bookshelf speakers, which led to off- topic referalls of 2 way bookshelf speakers.

SO - asking for input from those who have had experiences with both 2 and 3 way bookshelfs: is one better? More accurate? More real sounding? More PrAT?

ALSO: Suggestions/recommendations to get a new or vintage pair of either 2 or 3 way : stands stand 17" tall, want ability to bi or tri wire...

Thanks to all ... Be Well and Best Wishes.
jbj l100 3way 5'' mid 12'' woofer is a bookshelf speaker 24'' high jbl 4425 studio monitor 2way 12''woofer 24'' high bookshelf speaker 1985 i have them sound great the 4425 is more real sounding to my ears