So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.

Mahgister, I like your statement that freedom is a load for most, they want chains, well said, I will remember that piece of wisdom.
I will add another piece of wisdom, until all of us wake up, nothing will change, it will just keep getting worse. They fear that day might occur, because it will be their end.
Pretty sad and insulting to be asked for receipts for dead peers. I’m a musician, before Covid I was touring constantly. I actually got Covid on a flight home from Berlin. Since then, it’s gone from scary to absolutely dark. And yes, I’ve lost close friends, far friends, and friends of friends. It’s exponential. So forgive if I have zero patience for self righteous tinfoil-hat skeptics masquerading as “critical thinkers”. Next you’ll say Antifa is a terrorist organization and “all lives matter.” I suggest easing up on watching the news and trying on some outside perspectives for size. I’m only 42, bit I’ve been very much around, and sorry, but the situation we’re in is nothing to be proud of.

I actually do appreciate this thread though, as it’s weeded out the opinions of whom I’ll take less seriously moving forward.

au_lait, yes I believe your telling the truth because this virus effects mostly older people with compromised immune systems much more then the young. How many thousands of people die from the common flu virus every year. We never shut the whole country down over that. I'm suggesting that the Covid 19 is no worse then the common flu but can be deadly to the vulnerable.
"Hell is other humans."

Yep, sound travels through holes quite successfully....ear canals, mouths, noses.....and occasionally....ones' anus.

Making sense of the first 2 is likely the most problematic for the bulk of humanity, since senselessness (I love that word...a plethora of sibilance...) seems to be the easiest response to invoke....

We know what we want....but we don't know what to want.

My biggest concern of late is that we as a species seem hell-bent on making the 'End Times' scenario of the radical Christians a priority.
WTF?!  Seems a rather stupid thing to want....

"Glory to God, lets' all die!" Fine...take your mask off, and go lick the eyeballs of someone who tested +....

The population needs to be 'weeded out' a tad....Social Darwinism in action, even if on an unconscious level....not to mention a clueless level.

(*L* Since y'all seem to be having so much fun muck-raking each other, I just wanted to wade in to the murk and count the 'floaters'....) ;)