Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...

Which pair of speakers will have the most transparency, sound-stage  and depth? All are about $6500 to $7500. Which one in your opinion is the biggest bang for the buck?
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Just when I think, Surely this person has reached and encapsulates the limits of Internet tedium you go and push the boundary even further.

I refer to your latest discharge of plebeian verbiage; in which, you have proven, once again, that there is no such thing as unutterable nonsense.

Just when I think I’ve read the stupidest thing ever, you go and say something else. I’ll go listen and buy a freaking speaker when I’m good and ready.

It’s hard to believe that I remind you of a friend or that you have any friends at all. You really should take up knitting because the advice you give is worthless.

wow ^^ you are my new hero I ran into so much bull**** on another forum I wish I would have you to consult with before I told them to ****


you are just a dreamer.  I will lay a bet that next year at this time you will still be talking about buying speakers. 
it is ok to dream I am sure you have some we all do. I know that a lot of them never become reality. It is interesting to hear what other people have for equipment etc.