Does it improve the sound of a MM or MI cartridge by playing it through a phono stage?

I've been hearing about these old inexpensive Japanese cartridges getting rave reviews and I was wondering if they sound better if played through a phono stage as MCs do. Of course this would be at the standard 47K ohms load.

I have an Acutex LPM 412STR with the original and replacement stylus and would like to know how it would sound best. It was inexpensive (a long time ago), but might be an interim option if I have to get my regular cartridge serviced. I upgraded it about 9 years ago to a Van den hul One Special and thought the VDH was much better sounding with a Rega P5 played through the phono section of a Plinius 8200MKII integrated amp. Since then, I purchased a Sutherland Insight phono stage that has settings for the VDH (200 ohms) and a 47K ohm load for the Acutex, along with 3 or 4 others.
All cartridges, MM, MI or MC require a phono stage.  The MC phono stage always needs more gain than the others hence makes it much more critical (and expensive).
You can get a VERY decent combination with the following:

MM cartridges: 2M Black, Nagaoka MP 300/500, Goldring 2500 etc. (about $500)
phono stage: Schiit Mani (about $120)
or going all out:
Avid Pulsare II (about $7000)

Dear @wolfie62 :  ""  The Acutex carts are just unauthorized copies of run-of-the-Mill AT carts. Instead of V magnets, it has mumetal “Mickey Mouse” ears. It uses the identical cantilever suspension as used on AT carts .""

"  Cheaper just to buy an AT cart. They sound and perform the same ."

Perhaps what you posted could be that way and at the end I don't care to much about because the quality level performance of AT vintage cartridges ( I own or owned all top models as the Acutex models too. ) against Acutex is certainly different and certainly does not sounds the same as you stateted. No way my friend.

Next and " old " Acutex cartridge review compared against top vintage cartridges including top AT:

Anyway, if for you sounds the same fine with me.

Sutherland has several in the lowish price points - $900, $1400, and $2200 (and several higher end up to I think $15K). All are considered great values compared to the competition and the $1400 and $2200 ones have reasonable priced options for a linear power supply. The $1400 insight can have a board swapped internally (and the power bridge) for only $350 - typically done when configured/built, but can be upgraded after the fact as I did after buying a used one (did it myself with the help of Ron Sutherland himself), and the 20/20 has an optional external LPS for $450. It is probably $100 more because of the extra box.

Most of all, Ron Sutherland is a great guy, willing to do anything to make his customers happy. Very down to earth and generous with his time. He spent time on the phone with me before, during and after the purchase (probably well over an hour in total, plus a few emails) for a $350 sale! -which was shocking and refreshing. I believe he is the only PS designer in the market with any kind of market share that is talked about by high end dealers. I heard in the past he has designed high end amps that are still sought after. He also was one of the founders of Martin Logan. He probably just does it for the fun of it now....
Dear @lewm  :  I have on hand the different Acutex models operation manuals that you can read from these links and where you can see the 400 series is not MM design ( normally top MM designs manufacturer specs states the cartridge loading capacitance..... Been an IM design Acutex cartridges are way less sensible to capacitance change values and that's why they just does not states about. ):

Btw, about the 100k loading I will post on it in the thread where for the very first time in this forum we brought that cartridge loading figure many years ago. Seems to me that could exist a " little " misunderstood on that important issue:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,