Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?



The Ray Brown Trio w/Gene Harris and Jeff Hamilton - BAM BAM BAM. Recorded live at the Fujitsu-Concord jazz festival in Japan 1988. Concord Jazz 1989

Cassette (chrome)

This recording kicks butt
Looks like we are the only Audiophool who play with cassette tapes bkeske.
Oh and GK I guess..

I just sorted through my latest haul which included a lot of hard to find jazz and fusion tapes some of which are chrome.

Enjoying them right now.

Looks like we are the only Audiophool who play with cassette tapes bkeske.
Oh and GK I guess..

They don’t know what they are missing Uber. After I start playing cassettes, I don’t want to stop for a while.

Different than vinyl, but darn good, and dare I say sometimes better. And always better than a CD to me, although I’m far from a CD ‘hater’.

I saw you just got a cassette haul. 👍🏼

It is my second preference for medium.
And it even has some advantage over vinyl.
Last night I fell asleep with tape playing, no harm no foul as shuts off at end.
You just never know what damage you might do to a stylus in same situation.

And my fully factory spec restored Nakamichi ZX-7 is probably going to give me best replay I am ever likely to get on cassette tape.
And my fully factory spec restored Nakamichi ZX-7 is probably going to give me best replay I am ever likely to get on cassette tape.

I picked up an inexpensive cleaned-up but unrestored Nakamichi CR-1A, which is only 2 head, (but understand they are typically better than most 3 head non-Naks out there), deck. Did that at the same time I dragged my old vinyl and cassettes out of hibernation. Goodness knows where my old Akai deck went.

Anyway, as vinyl, was just ‘checking things out’ and seeing if these old formats would stick. And they are. I’m now actually buying cassettes on Discogs as well and vinyl.

And now have my eyes peeled for a nicer Nak deck, as the CR-1A was pretty cheap, so wouldn’t lose much, and could probably sell it for what I paid. Or, at least have it restored, but not sure how smart that would be vs cost/worth.