Best linear PSU under $1000?

For powering things like a lumin u1 mini, pi2aes etc. What is the best under $1k? Obviously sbooster mk2 and uptone lps 1.2 come to mind. Any others?
Keces p8, Plixir Elite BDC are others I can think of.
Hi steakster: What power supply did you finally settle on, and for use with which product/products?
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I thought I’d heard it all, but this thread is wild.. Linear power supplies for modems and routers.. “Huge” sound improvements. 

I had to do a double, then triple take. This is what runaway confirmation bias looks like. 
dougeyjones, I'm in total agreement with you. And jaybe scoffed at the idea of industrial PS! The lab supplies I referenced are MUCH better than some ripoff audio supply with gold plated connectors and a fancy name to go with the astronomical price tag.
Lab supplies have REAL specs, voltage drift is measured in parts of a millionth. Noise is in the microvolts or lower region. And they cost a hell of a lot more than $1000 when new.
Those cheap supplies you guys reference have rudimentary regulation and would fail horribly in a electronics lab.


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