Very bright SC and IC with coherence in imaging, soundstaging and timing

I have a new speaker with a 2“ BMR driver that handles everything from 250hz to 20khz. Naturally it can’t produce high frequencies as present as the mids. It needs +3db from 10khz on. No, I don’t want to look for a new speaker because I love for all other qualities.

Is there a speaker cable / interconnect that brings more treble energy yet still does not mess with timing (coherent speed), imaging, fullness and soundstaging ?

Up to 500 usd used, 8-10ft, black or clear color, round cables (no ribbons), sturdy, no boutique manufacturers, no diy. I usually prefer solid core over litz cables.

For 40w tube amp power

Thank you!
Kimber 8 tc Litz is very good for each wire is isolated from the next 
the 12 tc  is a bit better still and great value.
Any speaker wire or interconnect that adds 3dB at any frequency is defective.  Might I suggest the Schiit Loki? 

1,666 posts
07-13-2020 4:38am
"Kimber 8 tc Litz is very good for each wire is isolated from the next
the 12 tc  is a bit better still and great value."

Actually, the Kimber 8TC is not true Litz construction. It's made up of 16 conductors that are indeed isolated from each other, but each conductor is made up of numerous strands (Varistrand) that are NOT isolated from each other.
The benefit of the Kimber is not from Litz (or not Litz), it is from low inductance.
I second the Schiit Loki, using EQ will be more accurate than trying different cables. And the Loki is transparent when wired into the system.