Why perfect speakers dont exist the truth revealed

Dear Audiophile music lovers,

The reason that perfect speakers do not exist will hereby be revealed. So a perfect speaker would be a wall made of concrete. It would have two or perhaps three small holes in it. The drivers would then be placed inside these holes. Linkwitz riley 24db octaves and you're done.

Now the problem is, most audiophiles do not have a spare wall in their home which could be used to construct such a perfect speaker. Keep in mind that the other side of the wall would have to be infinitely big. It would have to be a very big space which would contain an infinite amount of fibreglass.

Now lets compare that to what speaker companies are selling us. We are being sold cheap nasty mdf boxes which ring like a bell. They use a minuscule amount of polyester stuffing inside which doesnt work and they call it a day. 

That is the secret to why perfect sound cannot be achieved. Its because we are being lied to. A $100k Magico makes no sense when you realize that the same money could be used to build something approximating the perfect speaker. 

The magico speaker still only uses a cabinet that is a few inches thick at best. My speaker invention would be ten times thicker at a fraction of the cost!

Wake up and smell the coffee folks. That is the reason we are all in this predicament. We are all craving perfect sound. Some of us are even in denial about that. But perfect sound can NOT be bought. The only solution is a CUSTOM tuned by hand system. 

~audio guru bar none ~
The return of The Kenjit Society!

In this episode, Kenjit takes his research team on another fishing expedition.
Well....that hiatus from posts like this didn't last long enough.
Keep on moving, nothing to see here. 
Kenjit is back? I’m not even reading his post, I’m sure I already know without reading it
Utter poppycock and rubbish from 
~audio guru bar none ~

guessing his time-out was not well spent