Emotional rollercoaster

I think I've been slowly improving my system over years. Starting with garage sale finds and tip finds to eBay and ultimately spending serious dollars on some decent amplification and speakers. I was even going to post recently about how the journey has been worth it.
Then this afternoon I tested an old Akai AA-5200 that I'd retrieved from under my ex's house (left it there 8 or so years ago) and I connected it to some old magnat 10p speakers I picked up for about $40 ages ago.... and behold.... I was listening to about $60 of hi-fi equipment that sounded extraordinarily nice and made me wonder why I'd spent a hundred and fifty times that much "improving" my main system over the years. 
It's left me disillusioned and fragile. Is spending big bucks a sham. Where have I gone wrong. It's an emotional rollercoaster. Help.

To clarify, I'm not a shill but an audiophile looking to get the most out of my system.
A few (there are many) of the better recordings for ambiance:
   Wax Poetic / Istanbul
   Larkin Grimm / The Last Tree
   Starlight Mints / Built on Squares
   moe. / Wormwood

I hope this helps

Thanks for sharing, I might check them out myself after I've stopped playing the last Dylan album.

Good recording too.
Perception versus reality is a powerful thing. On that note, this may be my favorite group of old bastards...ever! It takes a long time to develop your ear but we are all seaking "Rubicon". Could you imagine a group of Millennials having this discourse? My people...thank you for the perspective! More "must have" recordings please! What lights your fire? What makes you crank that dial when you hear that song? Peace!
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