Removing a ZERO from the price of amps

I mentioned a quote from Bruno on Computer Audiophile interview about a year ago saying the goal of Purifi is to remove a ZERO from the price of amps. Sounded very exciting a year ago and we are now getting close to getting this out to consumers.

A Benchmark AHB2 and one of these Purifi amps for me please.
The Purifi amps seem almost as good spec wise as the AHB2. However, based on Schneider’s description the Purifi seems to sound better than the AHB2 (which I will get).

When I heard Bruno et al say last year that their goal was to remove a zero from the price of an amp I made sure I kept my eye out for any amps with this Purifi module. I was disappointed that the only one I saw was the busy looking NAD. I heard a non-Purifi NAD amp last year that was simple, clean and sounding good for the price. I was hoping they would use the Purifi module in something like that instead of the jack of all trades version they put it in.

I would also be interested to see how Bruno’s new creation stacks up against the new-ish GAN amps.
While Class-D obviously brings the cost down by eliminating large heat sinks, the other big cost saver is using a switch-mode power supply as opposed to a big linear power supply. In these big A/AB amplifiers massive linear power suppliers are the majority of the cost.