The Reimyo CDP777 is very special. It is so musical, that I actually look forward to listening to CDs. In fact, I find that CDs reproduced on it are as musically satisfying as the SACD or DVD-A. Only vinyl still outperforms the CDP-777 in my system.
Right on Splaskin. The Reimyo CDP-777 is a VERY special player. I hear few TOP SACD player's in my system before I decided to go with the Reimyo, there not much differences when listed to SACD on the others player's matter of fact to me The Reimyo sounds much better, detail, beautiful midrange, dynamic, open, well balance top to bottom, musicality and thundering impact!. even thought the Reimyo is NOT a SACD player it performance is Incredible! You must hear the CDP777 unit to appreciate the palatability of the music sounds. They reproduce words that cannot describe the experience. In my personal opinion the Reimyo CDP777 is one of the best single box CDP money can buy.
No1willfan if you come across to try them all on your system you should cause that's the REAL Test, Hearing is Believing!
Good Luck.