Everything Matters With Digital

Everything matters with digital.

Oh yeah.
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Djones, many two channel systems are not connected To the internet. Closed loop system I guess you could call it, but yes, people do hear differences, even after their 100.00 modem. How many times does this discussion need to be had. It’s so simple, if you hear a difference and it brings value to you based on the price, go for it. Don’t let anyone else’s bias dissuade you, also if you don’t hear a difference, or even if you do, but the price of admission is too much, and therefore brings no value to you, then there is no need for you to spend. Why can’t everyone hear what they hear, and chose what they wish, and let them be happy. While there are most definitely differences, different people perceive that difference differently. 
It’s a little maddening for people who are empirically minded to see others set money ablaze over the placebo affect. 

It’s why they conduct medical trials the way they do, people can and do experience relief when no treatment was administered. 

It’s a little maddening for people who are empirically minded to see others set money ablaze over the placebo affect.
That's pretty colorful language, but there's no evidence that anyone here is setting "money ablaze."

If you find this group "maddening," perhaps you are in the wrong group.
Everything matters, IME, too.  Even when I hope it won't (USB cable? yep)

It is tiresome that the self-appointed "saviors" wielding theoretical logic come here to save us from ourselves.  Their passion for riding their hobby horse seems telling.  Why don't they just try a bunch of stuff out for themselves?  Crazy, laughable idea, I know.