PS Audio BHK lacking..

I bought a used PS Audio BHK preamp to replace my Rotel.  It sounds thin with no depth & bass compared to my Rotel so I let it run for over an hour with no change. I'm new to tubes so I'm looking for ideas. New tubes or what?
The day I bought the BHK here on the Gon I ordered a new set of stock tubes from PS Audio.  They showed up a little while ago. I have them in now & they made a big big difference. It's starting to happen. I'm looking forward to trying some of the tubes you guys mentioned.
Next is what should I expect to pay. There is a set of Telefunken 12au7 on line, new for $400.
What kind of qualities do you enjoy most in your music and what music do you play most often?  Easier to recommend tubes knowing what you like....warmth, speed, soundstage, strong bass, lots of air, treble sparkle, etc...
I’d go with strong bass, soundstage & air.  Mostly old rock, country, & now classical because it is well recorded.