Try some classics, you will quickly realize what the true MM sound with classic high-end MM cartridge, not that modern MM.
The budget is ... ??
The budget is ... ??
Cartridge Change
Not the kind of thing I would ever do. My approach has always been to never bother buying anything I don't think will make me happy for a good long time. Years. Because years of use takes the sting of depreciation loss right out of the picture. Cartridges especially are a total loser to be swapping like this. For what it will cost in price differential you could probably buy some footers or a shelf that will cost the same but you lost zero on the deal and the footers and shelf are good for live. The cart you have is gonna go to near zero soon enough anyway. Why the big rush? |
If you like the Rega why change it? 300 hours is no big deal! |