Cueing issue

Sometimes when cueing up a lp, there is seemingly an issue where the stylus doesn't connect fully to the record. Everything is set up correctly, VTF, VTA.......Was wondering if any of you have had a similar issue?
Is the arm lift going low enough for all records? If not the lifter can usually be adjusted with a tiny little allen wrench.
It is. That's all been checked as well. If I just let it go, it'll correct itself in a few seconds. When I lift the curing lever up then down...this seems the best way to correct it.

VPI 3D uni-pivot arm.
It happens to me about once a month.  The stylus will settle onto the vinyl but the sound will be scratchy & distorted.  I'll mutter an epithet, use the cuing lever to lift the arm up an then let the arm go down again.  Never fails to work.