Top resistors

Many threads with opinions on boutique coupling capacitors, but very little consolidated information on the sonics of resistors. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the attributes of their favorite brands & types for specific tube and SS applications? How much of a difference does a good resistor make?

My interest in the topic increased after recently installing the latest Texas Components nude Vishay TX2575 in several SS and tube phono & LS components. This was a proverbial "Ah-ha" moment-- a stray resistor dropped into signal path here or there, surprising with an improvement that equalled or surpassed the impact of a switch to a top coupling cap like V-Cap or Mundorf.
i tried MP-915 12W 1%, they are very detailed but unnatural too compressed and with closed ambience effect.
are good if you have a very dull system.

never tried Vishay Nude Bulk Foil, probably caddock are real better, but in general i don’t like in crossover foil resistors.
i prefer much foil resistor in electronics.

i agree with you on the assessment.  My friend bought nude foil for his Wilson Grand Slams speakers, it was just too much for his ears.  It was just too revealing for the Titanium tweeter.  I notice some of my equipments, the Nude Foil z series is very nice, super expensive especially the customized and low tolerance.   Looking to upgrade my Atmasphere preamp with Caddock resistors.   Thanks! 
Zippost how did your friend implement the Vishay nude foil?Singular or in a bridge configuration? Tom
Audionote tantulum carbon composit: one of the best resistor imho. Very natural sounding, super warm, pleasant sounding. Very good for tube gear.

You see, this **warm* character leads me back to 
Takman Metal resistors,, I am not looking for **warm** which to me means edges rounded off, details lost, lacking refinement..

Jadis puts metal resistors in all their amps for a  reason. 
For  fq separation, refinement. 
Tubes already add warmth, smoothes   any harsh edges, So adding tanatlum in the path will only add MORE warmth  which  would be duplicating  the work of the tubes. 
Besides the Takman are $1 fifty cents,, The Audio Note like $15 a  piece.. I need like 12 for the Jadis DPL, 
Jadis has metal and so to stay faithful to the  so called *Jadis sound* (mythological?) = best stay with metal. 

So Takman Metal *Rey* it will be. 
Will post a   YT vid once Richard Grey finishes the upgrade. 

Components nude Vishay TX2575 in several SS and tube phono & LS component

Problem with employing the fantastic Vishay Zfoils are price and only .6 watt, I need 1 watt, , won't work in my Jadis DPL, 
I went with Takman Metal REY series 1 watt @ $1.65 each