Pfh, and yet there’s zero proof from the opposite camp. Measurements that detect other things get posted as proof. Those measurements are good for what they do actually show, but as with any sort of statistic, it gets twisted and explained as something else entirely different. It’s ok to say you do or don’t hear any difference if you do or don’t, but to so desperately try to convince the other side that they’re incorrect and with no proof yourself, just defies logic. I’m sure some people don’t hear any differences, I’m also just as that some will deny they do no matter what, because they’re entrenched in their position. I used to be one who didn’t notice a difference, but also never took the time to really do a comprehensive test, and all during that time I never once tried to convince anyone that they were hearing things and it was all hogwash. I never once believed that so many people were totally fooled in that way, I just assumed that my hearing just wasn’t that trained, and the differences were rather subtle. Then one day I decided to put the discussion, for me, to bed once and for all, and went in assuming I would hear nothing and never have to think about the subject again. Turns out I was wrong, not going to say it was the difference between listening to an eight track in my car in the 70s vs a top tier audio system today, but it was most definitely at the point where I’ve spent thousands to upgrade a component for that level of difference. Also, not all expensive cables sound great with all setups. And I’m quite sure cables have outrageous profit levels and not truly justified by their cost, at the higher levels. Having said that you haBe to pay to play at those levels. If you deem they make a difference to you. No one is trying to force anyone to spend as so many claim. Sure cable manufactures make claims, they’re selling a product, every manufacturer does that, I don’t hear complaints about audio equipments advertising. Why do the naysayers feel the need to try to demean those who are willing to spend on cables. Most who don’t spend, don’t waste their time with that, I’m sure it’s just a small, but vocal group that do. It is mildly amusing I suppose to see the same ones keep doing it over and over. So why do you care so much if other spend, when you chose not to. It’s their money, their choice. It’s not a matter of just saying you don’t see the value, so you don’t, it’s more that they’re out to prove that those who hear, are hallucinating. That points to a deeper issue within themselves.