Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?

I tried out a Magnepan 1.7 a couple months ago, and I am a bit shock by the sound stage of it. It just feel live music. Although the bass is a bit lacking, I really like the "be there" feeling.

So, my question is, does all planar speaker (electrostatic, ribbon ... ) have such big sound stage? And with different brands and models, which one has biggest sound stage?

Specifically for Magnepan, the 3.6 is about $1000 more than 1.6. What are the major differences? and is it worth the extra money?
Not only do we forgive you, (the headline reads as if it's a forum on soundstage) I personally agree with your comment 100%.
MBL's are the Soundstage Champs...

Good listening,
Lrsky , saying Elizabeth was "WRONG" was quite a strong statement. It might have been better just to say : in my 15 years experience this was never the case. And of course a second person had this experience. I enjoy reading your posts.
Sounlab ESL speakers have a very large stage and sound quite live and awesome.

Wall of natural sound that is so wondeful.
Mrdecibel...you are absolutely right.
I thought that the subsequent explanation would ameliorate the harsh sound of that. Sorry.
In my approximately 1/6th of a Century's experience with Magnepans, I found zero instances of failure of the glue which attaches the Mylar and coils...this does not preclude the possibility of this happening.
Elizabeth states, as if categorically, 'You will have problems'...in her post.
My counter to that is...it's very, very unlikely based on my years of experience.

I enjoy reading your posts too, Mrdecibel.

Good listening,