Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?

They’re some pricey cables that have claim to fame because of the high tech geometry used in their cables.
Many of these cables have patents on specific geometry patterns used in their cables and use this as a reason their cables sound so good. For that reason, many say the reason their cables cost so much is they’re so complex . The man hours to make a pr results in their high price. That maybe true for some cables, but I’ve seen very pricey cables using the same geometry reason that look like a thin piece of wire rapped in outer jacket no thicker than a pencil. So,Is all this geometry just another way to justify their cost or is it true science that we are paying in the end?
Teo Audio avoided all the issues with geometry or lack of it, by going to a cable design that takes into account and utilizes a set of properties and base physics that is unique in the entire industry, and the entire world of all possible conductors -for that matter.

We created a new divide, a new separator or sorting.

On one side, is all possible cable geometries and types, and materials, companies, from Cardas to Belden, to whatever, you name it...all the many thousands of them, along with tens of thousands of design configurations and so on.......

..and then there is Teo Audio as the sole existing type, on the other.

To clarify...When it comes to dealing with the fundamental physics of conductivity, there is all cable on one side, all conductors are there ..everything you know of, all of it, no matter who or what materials, and then there is Teo Audio Liquid metal, as the singular ’other’.

Almost every single conceivable ’conductivity under high and complex signal delta’ problem you can imagine (which is what an audio signal is--it is the most brutally complex signal in the entire signal world, this audio signal thing--get educated about signal!), all banished in one fell swoop.

Go ahead, ask a physicist. Ask a multi degree transmission line specialist/PHD about this, if you think any of this is exaggerated. Ask them to tear down what I'm saying here. Good luck with that.
Kimber Kable cables is a less complex braided geometry, but much better than a simple lamp cord - the "cable" is built by machine and they are pretty easy to add connectors, so they tend to be more affordable, but they are not as good as the others cables mentioned above.

With all due respect, I disagree. It depends which Kimber Kable you look at. They have many cable lines, from very inexpensive to unaffordable (i.e. Naked series). Their "Select" tier is very, very good. It competes extremely well with other brands in your list. Also, even one series, have several models. For example, Select has typically three tiers, copper only, hybrid (silver + copper), and Silver only. Geometry is also different than other tiers down the lineup.
A cable is good or bad according to everything in you system .Impossible to even guess that , so the suckers , like me spend thousands
for what is an impedance match .
The wire on 8 feet cables costing $ 2,500 often cost a few dollars.

Connectors are more important than wire .

Building cables is just like everything else. I worry that by everything else people think I mean audio. But no. I mean everything else. Its all the same.

Take cars. Pretty much all cars have four wheels. Nice and stable. They tend to all look the same. Many decades ago, not so much. All these wonderful shapes and sizes. When they started going faster though air resistance became a bigger factor and so now they are all starting to converge on aero shapes much like airplanes.

That’s the majority of cars, the automotive equivalent of the radio or boom box, up to mid-fi. Hi-Fi is like F1. Look how many different designs there are in F1. There’s been ground effects, there’s been four front wheels! Today when you look close there’s no two alike even on the same grid, and Mercedes is able to adjust front geometry by pulling and pushing on the steering wheel.

What is going on here is exactly the same thing as is going on with cables. Its always the same. At one level of performance the technology is pretty well ironed out. At the sharp end of the stick though are all these different people with all kinds of different ideas on how to advance and expand the performance envelope.

Nobody knows what they’re doing. Oh we all like to think they do. We look at something like the SR71 and say see, they know, and for sure have even better stuff now. Forgetting all the failed designs before and since. Because pushing the performance envelope is driving into the unknown. How could anyone possibly know what they’re doing? That people can be so daft as to believe these stories boggles the mind.

Especially since its not only the absolute finest cost no object performance where this applies. It applies equally well to the budget product. With SOTA the challenge is to make something better than anything ever before. With budget the challenge is to get that SOTA sound for cheap. Either way it involves trying new approaches. Either way its experimental. Either way the proof is in the pudding.

So what do we do? Talk about geometry? How dumb can you get?!? Might as well be a bunch of us sitting around arguing about Red Bull winglets vs Ferrari whatever. Its all piffle. The proof is in the pudding. Cars must be raced. Cables must be listened to.

All else is noise.