Warn Sound Capacitor

hi all ;)
based on your experience, i would like advice on choosing a warm sounding capacitor, its use will be in passive crossover for loudspeakers.
I suggest the Miflex KPAL series. If those are a bit too spendy, I would suggest sticking with a film and foil type, and staying away from metallized polypropylenes. The construction is much better.
"For tweeter use CSA would have less sibilance compared to ESA"

so you say the CSA are rounder then ESA ?
are you sure or probably i understand wrong ?

@ rixthetrick
i know what i do ;)
no resistor in tw circuit only 12db/oct so one cap in series and ind in parallel
excuse me but i don’t understand: if CSA sound more clean than ESA i think it will have more sibilance due it is more clean sound
i’m wrong ?