APL 3910, Exemplar 3910, MF KW, Esoteric X-01?

I currently have Krell KPS-28c cd player ($8500). I am thinking about upgrading in the near future. Please help me decide which player – most important for me is “red book” format. The rest of my gears are Krell KCT pre-amp ($9000), Krell 400cx amp ($10500) and Wilson Audio Sophia ($11500). Following are possible players in random order:
Musical Fidelity KW SACD - $7,000.00
Krell CD/SACD – to be released soon (because of CAST) - $?
ESOTERIC X-01 SACD/CD - $13,00.00
APL 3910 - $5000.00
Exemplar 3910- $4000.00

Will I be down grading instead of upgrading with any of the above player?

Thanks in advance for your input
Smilin, Alex has several times said that he will send me one. I too would love to have the opportunity to hear it. Now, of course, it would be compared with the Exemplar 5910 which is a dramatic jump in performance over the 3910.
considering the APL 3910 is at the pinnacle with a few other select digital products, how dramatic can it be. Is it comparable to Jim Beamon breaking the long jump record?
Styxtrekr, I thought the Exemplar 3910 especially with it further mods was unapproachable. I was dramatically wrong. I continue to be amazed at how far digital has come these last several years. All I can say is that once I heard the 5910, I could not tolerate listening to the 3910. It has great clarity and sound stage, the best bass I have ever heard from digital, and just a realism to the sound that makes you want to play everything you have and hear it for the first time. And it has only about 100 hours on it.
Tbg, I wont be surprise if my Sony9000es Modwright
will still remain musical than the APL.I will
email you when 711smillin will bring his unit,TVAD
and 711 heard the Sony in my own system.I have
not change a thing on my Sony,its too good.
The thread is not absolete,its a very informative
thread.I would be happy if the APL will smoke the
Sony, for the price is way more expensive.
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