Replacing The Quad ESL Capacitor

I spoke with my friend, a certified Quad technician and got onto the topic of upgrades. He told me that by replacing the .30 cent, 220 Micro Ferrite Capacitor with a higher grade/higher cost capacitor could potentially improve the sound of my 2905's. I am not experienced in making repairs, etc... but I was told that I could do this on my own. The biggest problem that I'm having with getting started is knowing which parts to order. I've looked around at other discussions but it's still not clear to me.
Initially I thought about posting this topic to the tech forum but this speaker forum appears to get more traffic. Any related help here would surely be welcome.
There are 10 caps, 10 diodes, and 4 resistors, easy peasy.
Google Refurbishing Classic Quad.

They have the parts, and a quick how to, guide.. pretty cool..

Thanks erik-squires, I couldn’t understand how capacitors and ferrite had anything to do with each other. Appreciate your clarification.