Been away for a while, need some help

OK folks, I have been away from the audiophile market for a while, about 10 years. Moved, built a new home, now I have a new home and beautiful finished basement with a dedicated area for music. My equipment is a little dated, but I am finally starting to enjoy listening again. I currently have a Classe CA-151 amp with a Classe SSP-25 pre and a Sony DVP 9000 ES player all on a pair of B&W CDM 9NT. Pursit Audio Musaeus speaker cables, Kimber Hero interconnects. I don't do video anymore so the SSP 25 and DVP 9000 are just 2 channel audio. I used to have a lot of SACD's but we had a break in 2 years ago and a lot of CD's were stolen among other items. 
I just started listening again and I realized how much I miss just listening to music. I was going to start repurchasing some of my favorite disc that were stolen like some Alison Kraus SACD's, but a friend turned me on to Qobuz. So I am trying a free trial and I plugged my MacBook Pro into my pre via cheap cable through the headphone jack. Listening to an Alison Krause CD I used to own on SACD and I must say it sounded pretty darn good. I was going to look at buying a new CD player since I know my Sony is pretty dated and I don't really have SACD's anymore so now I am exploring the thought of a streamer. 
This is where you all come in. Given my situation, what do you suggest. A decent streamer? I started looking and I am seeing everything from $500 to $5000. Its a stretch of the budget but I was intrigued by the Auralic G1. I have to admit the thought of maybe getting rid of the ugly CD cabinet and just streaming is enticing if it is worth it. I must admit tonight was the longest I listened to music in a loooong time listening to the Qobuz on the MacBook pro and listening to everything from Alison to Coltrane. I don't want to crazy anymore but I really enjoy music and I may eventually sell the classe stuff for some tubed integrated down the road, but I think the digital upgrade is my immediate need. I appreciate your help and direction for someone who has been away for a while. 
You already have the streamer in your MacBook. Now put your money into a good dac and you are set. That is the way I have gone. Nice part is my MacBook is always updating and my dac can do the same from a mini USB port. Trouble buying an all in one is to keep cost down you are going to be compromised somewhere. 
I think you would be totally satisfied with a Bluesound Node 2i.  Tidal has an enormous library and I think you will enjoy their layout.  I think there is less noise streaming music than playing CD's and vinyl.  You also would have to spend a fortune buying CD's and vinyl to compare with their library.  Besides you can hear hi-res.
Hello from photographer to photographer… as per usual, there are already lots of good suggestions here. I certainly would echo @fuzztone that whatever streamer/Dac you end up with, have it connected directly to the network. Depending on what controller software you settle on (say Bluesound or Roon for instance) you can use multiple devices to control/select/change the music - say from your Macbook Pro when you are your desk and your phone when on the couch etc. Say you start listening using the Bluesound app on your Mac to control a Node 2i, the music keeps playing when you shut down your computer, and you can pick up the control from any other device that runs the Bluesound software. This may already be obvious to you, but to me it wasn’t and it took me a minute to discern the differences and advantages of streaming vs playing my own files using Audirvana from my computer (also great in it’s own right in terms of sound quality, as already mentioned previously).

In terms of what product I would recommend, I have limited experience and budget - so far I have been using the Bluesound Node 2i using it’s optical output into a SMSL 500 as my Dac. By doing that I am actually losing the Node’s capability to decode MQA so I am definitely not advocating my setup. I am however a review junkie and eager to upgrade myself in the near future and from everything I have read (READ, mind you, not listened to) here are my comments:

In your price range (2-3k) these recommended products from previous commenters have all been very favorably reviewed and compared, and unless you need to counter a strong coloration of your existing sound to even things out, my guess is you can choose any of these simply based on price and aesthetics and not go wrong:
Any Lumin, any Auralic option. Mytek was mentioned, and they have the Brooklyn Bridge that might still be in your budget.
Innuos has the Zen MK3 (or Zen Mini 3 + LPSU) with the added capability to rip Cd’s and store music internally (don’t know anything about their controller software but sound wise they seem to be excellent). The mentioned Cocktail Audio X45 also has CD ripping capability, if that is of interest.

My personal budget is $1500 max, and I am eyeing the Cambridge Audio CXN V2 series 2, predominately for the added user experience, display, physical remote control and broader connectivity options than my Node 2i. I am aware that the internal DAC won’t be quite as good as in the units mentioned above in your price range and will most likely only be a marginal upgrade to my Node, but even the Node sounds already very good to my ears, so I am mostly taken by the CXN's feature set, built in Chromecast, Airplay 2 capable, and ease of use for streaming from pretty much any existing platform beyond Tidal & co.

I highly recommend watching this detailed review, simply as a terrific demonstration for a beginner of all the different ways and services for streaming music and maybe learning about features that may be desirable for you to have in whatever unit you end up choosing.

Thank you all for the loads of wonderful info. NKphoto, thank you, although I am retired from the photography business, wedding's did me in after 25 years, now I enjoy a M-F corporate office job and my weekends free. After reading over all the great info above, I can say I am not a DIY person and building things even though it sounds like many of you like the Raspberry stuff. I am a buy it, plug it in and enjoy. I think I may start small on this and go with something like the Bluesound Node 2i and use the DAC in Classe SSP-25 and eventually down the road add a DAC or network DAC as many of you suggest. I think it may be a good way to start and start to get my feet wet with the streaming instead of dumping a ton of money and maybe making a decision that wasn't the best fit for me. This may also help me get to my goal of owning a tube amp/integrated. 
Solid choice! ...and do watch that video at some point, has lots of good info on streaming in general...