Best reviewers

Who are in your opinion the best reviewers out there ? Whether it be from stereophile, TAS or an audio forum, you surely have a few reviewers that you trust and respect. I nominate Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound as the best reviewer. He understands live music, knows how to describe what he hears, and appears to be impartial. Your choice ?
Resurrecting this thread after nearly 20 years. 
Having just read a series of about two dozen reviews for products I’m interested in spanning the past ten years, I feel that Roy Gregory stands out among reviewers over the last 10 year time period. 
Not only beautiful writing style, but a depth of analysis that puts most others to shame. 
Did you find the difference? Inventory of four foreign UK Smart Socket. Au Smart Outlet smart socket. it can be remotely controlled to turn off the power switch through the application when outdoors. According to the video description, US Smart Dimmer Switch can help save 50% Of household electricity. Have you found any difference? Inventory of four foreign smart sockets