Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?

The reason I chose specifically devices with tubes is because, in my opinion, it's much harder to design something good -not to mention gorgeous- looking with tubes and transformers sticking out.

From the ones that I know, which is not a lot, Airtight and Allnic designs stand out in my eyes. Shindo and Atma Sphere, on the other hand, do not look appealing at all. KT-Audio looks beautiful internally, whereas externally it's nothing special...yet?

I'm only asking about design, I don't care about sound :-)
Stuck on this--not often on used market --few months ago there was one in Canada--was still 4k plus which I could do but tight with my scrilla these days. All the wood nice and what he does with the internals is quite interesting. Check it out.

My Ayon Triton III is a feast for my eyes at least.

Engström produces some drop dead gorgeous gear and Canary Audio none too shabby.

I love the aura of Kondo also.
@galacticmayan   oooh, yeah, that's a beauty. Will add to my list of stuff I want but can't afford. Gorgeous!
Check out the Audio Hungary intergrated tube amps , "but" its the sounds that matters