Seeking Opinions/Stories from Carver Crimson 275 Owners

Carver Crimson 275 Owners, 

I'm looking to hear what amplifiers your Crimson 275 has replaced?  What have you compared it to in listening sessions on your system?  

What do you like about it?  What do you dislike about it, if anything? If you have time...What preamp do you use, if any?  

Thank you so much!
Wow!  It's quiet out there.  The Carver Crimson 275 owners must be enjoying the tunes so much that they are offline :).  

In case folks do chime in, I'm looking for opinions on those who own them, have own them or have spent some good time listening to them. I don't want to start a debate about Bob Carver.  I'd rather assume, for the purpose of this thread, that Bob knows what he's doing.  
I've owned a few of Carvers Valve amps. The Crimson, was little dry for me.  I come from a Mac background. The 275 had a ways to go to catch the magic of a MC240, that was just built good, nothing fancy.

It bested my MC275 GG, but not my 1964 MC275.

I didn't have Cary at the time..V12Rs, pretty tough to beat that EL34 sound...I don't think the Carvers could have done it..

I like them a lot like Mac, they don't go threw valves, they last a long time...Have a pretty neutral sound, low distortion, lots of power.

I'm a small planar LS and hybrid/LS guy, if that makes any difference..

Oldhvymec,  that's exactly the intel I was looking for!  Just seeking folks' personal experiences.  I'd really like to hear this amp and compare it to Primaluna offerings.