What do/did you do for a living?

With the increasingly high priced items people own and are selling, I'm curious about the line of work people do or have done. I thought my $5k integrated was a massive investment, but seeing users searching for $100k speakers or $75k SET amplifiers has me curious about the varying lines of work people do to afford these items. 
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66. Retired toolmaker,mechanical engineer. 
1961 Sony transistor radio with level 5 upgrades!
Financial crime scene investigation - hedgefundcsi@gmail.com Madoff Stanford other large ponzu schemes.  Interesting work.  Investigated and reported to Congress on why SEC missed Madoff.   
I’m fairly sure I’ve already related this in another thread, but I’m another retired Hollywood denizen. Spent about thirty years as a Story Analyst at a couple major motion picture studios. Essentially, I wrote book reports for a living. I’d read movie scripts, novels, non-fiction, comic books, etc., etc., etc. and tell studio honchos if they ought to buy the material and make a movie out of it. If the company already owned the material I’d offer up suggestions on how to "improve" it. It’s a process known in the movie industry as Development. I’ve had my share of hit motion pictures. I’ve helped develop a passel of Academy Award winners.

I must say, too, that it’s the perfect job for an audio-fool. I’d sit there in my easy chair and blast the stereo as I’d flip through the pages of one more cop drama.