Crown D-150A series 2: help

A Crown D-150A series ll power amplifier was left abandoned in the hallway of my building (people throw out nice things in my building).

For now I can't turn it on because it's missing the fuse 6.25A MDX (easy to replace). The bigger problem is that it's also missing the fuse holder:   part # C5597A5

I'm combing the internet to no avail. Anybody know where I can find this modest little part?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for these (varied!) responses. A lot more to consider here than I realized. 

The crown seems in pretty pretty good shape based on appearance. Does not have that burnt circuitry odor. The way people in neighboring studios throw things out in this building, I’ve reason to suspect it’s just a fuse replacement. But now I’m concerned. 

My use needs for this are just to use in my studio, using an old NAD 3020 for preamp duties only. 

The dilemma here is that taking this to a tech might end up costing more than the amp is worth. Unless maybe there’s an inexpensive tech in Brooklyn I need to know about. 

If I just procure and insert the correct fuse holder and fuse and then turn it on, what’s the worst that could happen?

thanks again, any thoughts are welcome. 
"If I just procure and insert the correct fuse holder and fuse and then turn it on, what’s the WORST that could happen?"     A: The fuse will blow.                                                                        Are you certain that you’ve not stolen someone’s door-stop?
The original fuse holder had a slotted cap (screwdriver needed).     That may have baffled the original owner, leading to it’s demise       This will fit the original chassis hole and make changing a fuse easier:       Then too, there's Amazon.      Type in: panel mount 6X30 fuse holder.
Thanks for that link to that fuse holder, Rodman. When the part arrives I’ll give it a go and report my findings. 

Here’s hoping!      There’s a slightly less fancy AGC fuse holder, on the link that yogiboy posted, for $1.28.        Don’t know about their shipping charges, but- just to see if the thing works......