Speaker wire isolators - Do they improve SQ?

In our beloved hobby we see at time all sort of gadgets and widgets and we ask ourselves, do the really improve SQ? This is the case of speaker wire isolators. More than often I am seeing on AG systems and even suggested by a reputable seller. My question to this forum is: Do they actually improve SQ ? It is noticeable? What material is used or makes this product workable?  Can I make them at home? I have seen some for sale at remarkable high price and I wonder if they are a cost effectively a sound investment? I have a carpeted floor. Please comment as you like. 
Are you a vinyl guy? It does help with vibration control, and cleaning.

Yes you can make your own, yes they will work great. I make W, Ms
then a flat piece for the bass. The flat is siliconed to the M or W.
That is where the real dampening happens. Don't use glue, use silicone.
On the bottom of the flat you can use little silicone stick on feet (come on sheets). I use, MDF, or soft wood (fir, or pine) then paint..

Enjoy, making them, it's fun, no they don't have to cost 60-80.00 a pair, to work very well, friggin nuts...

I bought some foam blocks to make some M shaped blocks and silicone them to a wooden stand. Will see if they make a difference.
I remember the first guy I ever saw who has them in his audio system.He  was one of those guys who had a $100,000 systems .They looked cue.His Big Sonus Farbers were in the middle of the living room.He said they worked. I was there to buy a pair of Sonus Faber Lutios he used in the kids room...lol
Cable risers are something to look at after many other more substantial improvements have already been undertaken wether that be equipment upgrades or room treatments.  Most opinions that I have read theorize the greatest (and possibly only) benefit is cable elevation over carpet due to potential capacitance issues being induced in the speaker cable.  This is going to be a very subtle, if it occurs, and if the rest of the room/system is not on a level that very very subtle improvements are able to be discerned then any improvement could be missed IMHO.  
that's what suspected minor subtle improvement, mostly unnoticeable. I will still make my risers and see if any improvement comes out of it.