SACD player as transport or dedicated transport?

I have finally found a DAC I really like. It is the Audio Aero Prima MK II SE I use it as a preamp and a DAC). I use it in conjunction with my computer based music system. I am thinking of either getting a dedicated transport (like the new CEC TL51X) or maybe a SACD player to use for the 50 or so hybrid's I have and as a transport for my Prima DAC. Any thoughts,
I would recommend an Exemplar Audio Modified Denon 3910. The unit sounds stunning as a universal player AND it is an excellent transport.

Best wishes and good listening.

Or look at a used Sony SCD-1. Hell of a transport, and phenom. SACD. Can be modded with really favorable results, and good resale price considering its age.
Thanks, mimberman. I thought about that but am a little concerned about the age of the units out there used. Anyone know how the XA9000ES is as a transport?