SACD player as transport or dedicated transport?

I have finally found a DAC I really like. It is the Audio Aero Prima MK II SE I use it as a preamp and a DAC). I use it in conjunction with my computer based music system. I am thinking of either getting a dedicated transport (like the new CEC TL51X) or maybe a SACD player to use for the 50 or so hybrid's I have and as a transport for my Prima DAC. Any thoughts,
Or look at a used Sony SCD-1. Hell of a transport, and phenom. SACD. Can be modded with really favorable results, and good resale price considering its age.
Thanks, mimberman. I thought about that but am a little concerned about the age of the units out there used. Anyone know how the XA9000ES is as a transport?
I'm using a Sony SCD-777ES as a transport feeding a Levinson 30.6 dac........wonderful. In fact, it easily bested my friend's Levinson 31 transport he brought over to audition. Absolutely no comparison.

Good luck in your search, however do not count out the SCD-1 or the SCD-777ES.


Paul :-)
I am using a XA-9000ES as a transport (and for SACD) and I am happy with its results. Are the SCD-1 and its lesser brother the 777 better - probably but they are getting long in the tooth. I haven't compared mine to many others but in my system have run it against my stock DVP-S7000, known to be an excellent transport (althought touted as stellar once modded) and I prefer the new 9000 (timing/flow just seems better IMO). I think its a good choice - very good to excellent transport (assumes there are better out there), 5 year warranty, excellent (to my ears) SACD playback, built very well (no not as well as the SCD-1 but substantial none the less) and can be bought for under $2K new. All in all a very good business case to own one given you have already decided to use your new DAC for redbook cds...
Thanks, Rgd--that is very sensible advice -- I am leaning that way. One other unit I thought about was the Denon 3910. Anyone have thoughts about this as a transport/SACD player. Also, has anyone used the new CEC TL51-Z?