DIY interconnect just arrived ~~navships~~, true High Fidelity

So i invested $$$$$ ona  DIY interconnect a  few weeks ago, and it was a failure,,,So thought I'd search ebay, founda  Iwoa seller ~~navships~~~ offeringa  16 ga copper/silver coated for under $50,,, just arrived, and wow,,, now the highs not rolled off,,,sound does not break up at high volume, details not heard before,,,comparsion made with  basic generic interconnects,,but honestly what I am hearing,,I have no thoughts of looking further.
These are The Interconnects that deliver all I could expect in a  cable.
Now i am a  believer than Interconnects do make a  difference in sonics/resolution. 
He offers money back guarantee.
The drum cymbals can be heard and other details of Gatemouth Brown's guitar comes through cleanly. , The over all sound is clean,   more separated the fq's. ,,,
If we imagine a rating score of 10,,I'd give navships cables a  10/10. 
If you want to send me your high price interconnects and make a  shootout, please do,,I'll pay shipping.both ways.
I want to be crystal clear,, You may already havea IC which equals/surpasses navships, So why bother adding navs?? No reason at all, As I mentioned previously I feel there are basically 3 levels of IC’s. Chinese generic garden variety which we bought back in the 70’s at radio Shak, and can be found by the hundreds on ebay and Best Buy,, then we have good/nice/adequate IC’s ,,
Then we come to that 3rd IC range of carrying the musical signals.. Prices range from ,,well nasvships all the way, to $$, $$$ even $$$$. Where navships falls in this 3rd ~~elite~~ category,, I have no idea. Thats for others with resources to figure out.
I have the IC which blends/matches very nice with my other components.
Thats all I am saying here
This 2nd pair is connecting the Cayin CD17 Mark1 with the LS9 jadis clone preamp
navships speaker wire arrived,,ohh maybe saturday,, or monaday,, my hunch says will be no dif in the Home Depot THHN 12 gague and navships silver/copper. ,,I just don't see silver making much if any somic gains.. . IC's yes, But speaker?? ,,adding a  pinch of silver...,how should that equate in a  gain of fq resolution??? However at that price offered,,how could i refuse,, for at least a shootout. 
25 feet will get me the 16 wires i need each @ 3 foot. for $25,,,sheeshhh, I will be more than surprised if that   pinch of silver makes any gains on speaker wires,,,.. My ears will be perked for even the slightest tweek on any fq range.
I like to be fair and unbaised,,,,,honestly I will have a  good hunch in 1st 15 secs of the 1st reference cd.. But as i say, i am gratfeful and feel lucky to have found navships IC's. 
since we speak of shootouts,,, ~~Luck of the draw~~~ :-))

That said, when i upgrade my xovers,, the silvercopper might kick in,,,that will be late 2020. Swamped with mod budget at this moment....
well navships 25 feet of silver copper 12 ga stranded wire arrived FAST SHIP,,so the outer caoting is super tough,,,,the cable is thin,,, i thought **this can't be,,,12 ga, too thin....** wrong,,,when you cut the plastic coating off, the wire pops out,,,  how the labs make this wire/costing is a mystery,,anyway,,took me sometime to make a  true shootout,,,1st I had  ran one speaker with HD 12 ga copper stranded vs nabships silvercopper 12 ga stranded,,,hummmm, definetly the copper had certain upper mid fq;'s a  bit more pronounced/warm/forward,,,nothing bad,,just not sure what exactly was going on,,,so aftera  few more test cd songs,, i figured, lets have only navships on both speakers,,, Then it became claer,, navships had a  purer balance on all midrange fq,s = thus allowing one to nudge the volume up w/o compromising the mid fq's = that is at a  louder vol, now the sound stage completely opened up. 
WOW factor = high = as in what we audiophiles are always seeking out= High Fidelity, 
Bottom line, navships are far superior to pure copper stranded, this is not a  nuance, not a  tweek, this is a  ~~modification.  = That is to say the gains in fq resolutions  were significant, not at all miniscule, 
= The Real deal,>>> Not  snakeoil
If you wanta  quick fix on your system which may be too *8warm**, murky mids etc, try navships,,this may ameliorate/quell some of the blare N glare of your forward mids. may/maynot bea  long term solution, depends if the speakers are murky/muddy/coughing in upper mids. Isssues which no speaker cable can fix. 
These silvercopper can be a  fix for a  mild case of a  overly warm sound system. 
These cables exceeded my expectations.

Just amazing no one is talking about navships cables??  The IC's worked magic, each set,, the speaker cable took my system near the pinnacle. Sure there may be other cables out there that match nabships, but where? Which? I have no funds to start rolling cables.
= THese are The Real Deal. Sorry high tech labs, to throw a bucket of ice water on your lab's head,,,,,Look you made money on high tech cables, with huge markups, 
Now in this economy, folks are looking for best deal in town.,,so you guys need to be prepared to take ,, The Hit...some labs will not survive during the year 2021. 
It would be impossible for you to match navships, prices, quality, customized ordering. 
Adios amigos,, 
Please NOTE
The Home Depot 12 ga THHN copper did not work as a DIY power cord for my Jadis DPL preamp, This preamp does not draw much current and flat out rejected the 12 ga copper,,so what i a doing is order a  20 ga silvercopper dual cable and will use this in my 3 power cords,,,deleting the 12 ga copper.
will posta  YT upload on arri9val next week. stay tuned,,,