What are the most used terms that say the least in the "High-End"?

To start the ball rolling:  "Reference" & "Statement".  and I am sure you can add more. 

One of the worst meals I ever had out is still my "reference" for crap food. 

An old rusted car that is scraping along the ground and blowing blue smoke is a "Statement", just 
not the kind most would like to make. 

A mate once used me as an example of the "reference" and worst "statement" of a human she had ever known.  In retrospect, the more I got to know her the more I could see why she would say something like that...and more. 

 Usually hyperbole is the tool for politicians. 

Yes, I am bored in this lock down mess and using AudiogoN for my own entertainment.....so there!   As a comedian once said, they thought you "should know and care for someone, before you use and degrade them". 

And yes, I am now abusing 3 different systems and listen to the least expensive one the most...as it is next to the P.C.   So perhaps my "Audio-pile Status" should be revoked? 

Que the theme from M.A.S.H.  

"Diminishing returns"

This throw away phrase is often used by chintzy people to defend refusal to spend more. Imo, it speaks more about the attitude of the audiophile than a measure of performance of equipment.  

I occasionally read What Hifi, the British publication, online. They like to use the word insight. This or that component has great "insight" in rendering music.
