Is dedicated PreAmp with Oppo 105 needed?

I think I've a decent HT setup but still feel there's something missing. I watch movies 70% & listen to music 30%.

Since Oppo provides pretty clean sound, wondering if upgrading to a dedicated PreAmp will make any difference. If it does, what would you recommend in say $1000-$2000 range? I intend to bypass the Video & connect straight to my Plasma on HDMI 1.4a.

Thank you!
LRC Speakers: Tyler Acoustics Linbrook System II
Surround Speakers: JBL S312
Amplifier: Parasound Halo A51
BD:Oppo 105
Tape Deck: Nakamichi RX-505
Room: 16x18+ with some open area, so sound can bleed
@noble100 : Thanks for the positive words of encouragement. But they’re quite far from reality. You can just call it my survival instincts. 😂

I know I’ll be entering years long war with series of battles & skirmishes with my wife at each conversation, get together, dinner, etc. when she realizes I spent another grand or a few on a piece of electronic equipment which she considers to be a ‘junk’.
I’m just thinking of those days (because I’ve this inner conviction that they’re definitely not far from coming), when I’ll be sitting in a corner licking my wounds, I don’t want to have any regrets about the decision I’ve made in my pursuit of achieving an elusive ‘Musical Nirvana’. In a way the delay is a representation of how long & tiring the war is going to be. 😂😂

The “good“ in “good quality stereo” is related to the risk you end up taking. But what’s the point of living if you’re not fighting for a just & noble cause. Sigh ...... 😂
Hello hitsofmisses,

     My suggestion is to talk to your wife, try to listen to music together and ask her for her opinions on the music and your system's overall sound quality. The goal being a hobby you both enjoy together, if you think that's possible.

Best wishes,

We’re pole apart. She does not enjoy either music or movies. In a year, she ‘might’ watch a movie or two & rarely listen to any music, even during long drives.

Whereas like my parents, I love singing. When I play a song, I get involved with the words & emotions & usually sing for hours to my heart’s content. 

When I was teen, my first job was to record audio cassettes from LPs & EPs. I worked on some of the best Amps, turntables, tape decks, etc. My manager admired how quickly I learnt the technique & could easily remember the entire lyrics, albums, location, etc. Their business grew 6-10 times (depending on the month) in a very short span. 

Anyways apologize if I digressed. The bottom line is, I know & can admire a good sound. However due to monetary & personal issues, I want to ensure I do it right the first time. 
I’ve shortlisted Atma-Sphere MP1 so far. Now I just need to be patient to find a good deal to come by. 
Another alternative would be a VAC preamp & preferably with HT Bypass.